Day 4
Are we getting up in the morning with a new hooked line?
Sometimes I awake in the night with a new phrase it's just that simple keep the pen and paper beside your bed. Ask yourself the last question of the night that you so much need to work upon?
Start your own Newspaper, I have found this is a wonderful tool as your blog will be able to be diverse, even if you have a blog for your website too. Juanita Nielsen was a Newspaper reporter that went missing 4 July 1975 in Kings Cross.
Then in the morning the answer is normally the first thought.
Pretty easy when your utilising your subconscious mind to work for us.
I love the subconscious mind, because this is the part where we can push ourselves to the limit knowing that we are on the right track.
Act and Grow Rich team Alex Petrovic and Jennifer Weatherstone, aka Jennifer Stone is my pen name will show you how the two of them have pushed people and products to the limit.
The Kings Cross Sting is just a novel however at the end, we have brought about the biggest drug bust in history and the world will be putting the focus on the Justice system where when they don't listen it's through the alleged corruption.
I feed the information through daily, however one day the information as Alex says will be front page of the Newspaper around the world.
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