he findings is in the Report Stage 1 for the findings into the increase we have of cancer within our society.
My first book on cancer previously was Spanish Dancer and the Cancer fog.
http://www.nigms.nih.gov/Education/Factsheet_CircadianRhythms.htm The high use I will allege of Corn Syrup, Glucose syrup in many of our foods and even as I have witnessed within the saline solution utilised on my Mother Mrs Valma Belle Harris, DOB 20 September 1934 where she was operated on, at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital by Doctor Stalley and his team where the use of a saline solution was utilised to thicken the blood. This was given as a note for the signing of the product after it was utilised as we were told by staff in intensive car where the signing of the saline solution allegedly a Baxter Medical product had already been given. On the signing of the form, as my mother was extremely sick that the product had a thickner within the saline solution for the thickening of the blood. It also said that there was a study being carried out on people that had this solution.
I read, there was a higher than normal chance of dying within the next 9 months from after the operation that took place December 2011 where I had my husband and my mother in hospital both extremely sick whilst I was researching that I know now into the alleged criminal organisation of Abe Saffron.
I through my husband’s cancer had noted during the treatment of the cancer that the cancer spiked as previously noted within this book, for DPIG Cancer.
I have been researching the links of foods, and cancer, the links of foods and the drug network with the reaction on our brain of sugar has. Eg. Cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, foods.
The research I have undertaken so far is for the relationship to cure cancer. Whilst my mother is elderly however the treatment of the saline solution should be analysised for the risk of linking the upsurge of cancer by patients afterwards.
This product I believe and allege that was utilised on my mother at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital be immediately stopped or advise people of the higher than normal risk of having cancer afterwards as an option.
I will further allege that the thickener, be examined which I will allege will relate to genetic modified corn where this product I will further allege is corn syrup, glucose syrup either made from corn, rice or wheat genetic modified. This affect is to do with the circadian rhythms within our human body and for the cell reguvenating process. It is allegedly the genetic modifying of the product that has the affect on the part of the human brain of the circadian rhythms.
This effect that my family has witnessed with my mother has deteriorated her health dramatically however this is the spike where from allegedly the same type of thickners are utilised in many foods and baby milk formulas. This will relate to the increasing hike in the reporting of cancer, the intensity that this disease is spreading like a virus as it is within foods that are eaten all around the world.
The affect on the part of the brain that I have noted for the Ciradian rhythms and mediation works through the studies I have read about being utilised of the mindfulness at the Mayo Clinic in the USA.
The alleged genetic modified foods I will allege and the high use of thickner’s in many food products and also health products as I have seen utilised on my mother Mrs Valma Belle Harris DOB 20 September 1934. This I will allege with her main foods at home were a piece of meat for dinner, 3 vegetables due to her limited ability to walk the eating out at restaurants rarely came thus the affect on her diet changed slightly with a pacemaker fitted Christmas 2009 however the healthy lifestyle and vegables were changed to suit this type of diet where Warphin was taken in relationship to regular blood tests.
This alleged finding within the use of genetic modified foods and the link to the affects on the circadian rhythms has increased the rate of cancer occurring in our society today. I couldn’t believe nor could I remember during my childhood of so many children suffering from types of cancer as it is today.
However I will further allege that the cancer goes to the weakest link first, it is the outside air touching the cancer to cause massive growth from the outside of the cell where the whole of the cancer has not been removed.
I will further allege with the information I have seen and read that high levels of oxygen at 2% be given to these adult patients, strength on children will depend as helping the body fight the cancer from inside the cell as it seems cancer does not live where the body has high levels of oxygen within.
Thus this is to do with the balancing of the water’s hydrogen and the oxygen affect on the body, where the increase balance of hydrogen through h2o and the saline solution that is utilised today within chemo theraphy has to be watched. I will allege that all patients on chemotheraphy with drips be given oxygen treatment at the same time for the aid of recovery.
Where in a hospital environment, oxygen is available behind each bed, in an outpatients environment there is oxygen facilities available and if this can fight cancer from within the damaged cell, thus under the research I have undertaken and read within the human body where the high levels of oxygen are given for the treatment of cancer that it helps with the spike in the treatment of cancer at the time of chemotheraphy and will aid with the recovery and prolong life whilst high levels of oxygen are given.
Thus the ability to have oxygen stations will benefit health where the use of herbs within the water are utilised to create a stress release formula for the healthy within our society that would like just to increase the oxygen levels within our body to clear the circadian rhythms whilst we mediate for the treatment over a period of 15-20 minutes will aid with the health of our human society. This clearing under the use of mediation of the circadian rhythms was part of the affect process utilised with the Mayo Clinic research into the mindfulness which I have utilised within all of the process of the selfhelp books TAKe CONTRoL series under my pen name Jennifer Stone and utilised within the alleged solving of the mysteries behind the criminal world and mind of Abe Saffron, The Kings Cross Sting.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adiponectin Allegedly the connection is through the mutation of the chromosome through protein for a link to the spread of cancer within a persons body and the mutation of the chromosome that was seen allegedly within some of the DPIG cancers remembering these are children that suffer this terrible disease.
This Adiponectin, through the circadian rhythms and the pineal gland will by the alleged removal genetic modifying the wheat, rice, corn within our society where the use of thickners in products be not utilised from genetic modified food products will help with the health of the society we live in today. The effect on the human body is allegedly a higher increase with cancer causing cells within the human body.
All of this information is copyrighted to Jennifer Ann Weatherstone, who is Jennifer Stone pen name, Take2Looks Pty Ltd, Sparkling Chandeliers. Who is the author of the series The Kings Cross Sting and TAKe CoNTRoL series of books.
PLEASE, TAKE ME SERIOUS it is very important for the health of our community.
Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 11:28 AM
Subject: Government to further investigate findings into the research I have done on cancer within our society today.
To: attorney@ag.gov.au, office@smith.minister.nsw.gov.au , ministerial@afp.gov.au, office@gallacher.minister.nsw.gov.au , Amanda Dench <denc1ama@police.nsw.gov.au>, wait1sus <wait1sus@police.nsw.gov.au>, The Premier of NSW <premier@nsw.gov.au>,office@deputypremier.nsw.gov.au , tony.abbott.mp@aph.gov.au, gfindlay@courts.nsw.gov.au, ElectorateOffice Kogarah <kogarah@parliament.nsw.gov.au>, deborah.cox@governor.nsw.gov.au , honours@gg.gov.au, local_court_glebe@agd.nsw.gov.au ,office@annesley.minister.nsw.gov.au , office@constance.minister.nsw.gov.au , office@gay.minister.nsw.gov.au, office@goward.minister.nsw.gov.au , office@pearce.minister.nsw.gov.au , office@treasurer.nsw.gov.au, cate.faehrmann@parliament.nsw.gov.au ,catherine.cusack@parliament.nsw.gov.au , cabramatta@parliament.nsw.gov.au , F.Nile@parliament.nsw.gov.au,adam.searle@parliament.nsw.gov.au , amanda.fazio@parliament.nsw.gov.au , easthills@parliament.nsw.gov.au , walt.secord@parliament.nsw.gov.au , albury@parliament.nsw.gov.au, assembly@parliament.nsw.gov.au, senator.xenophon@aph.gov.au, senator.williams@aph.gov.au,news@thetelegraph.com.au, newsdesk@smh.com.au, news@news.com.au, news@newsltd.com.au, aca@nine.com.au,newsdesk@theage.com.au, thefortress@johnlaws.com.au, Malcolm Turnbull <malcolm.turnbull.mp@aph.gov.au >, Robert Brown <robert.brown@parliament.nsw.gov.au >, robert.borsak@parliament.nsw.gov.au , eric.roozendaal@parliament.nsw.gov.au , Barry Ward <barryeward@yahoo.co.uk>, jan.barham@parliament.nsw.gov.au , wentworthcouriernews@couriernews.com.au ,helen.westwood@parliament.nsw.gov.au , RBauer@perkinscoie.com, rbauer@kmgslaw.com, gerry.tye@gmail.com,don.harwin@parliament.nsw.gov.au , david.shoebridge@parliament.nsw.gov.au , david.clarke@parliament.nsw.gov.au ,stephenallnutt@me.com, strathfield@parliament.nsw.gov.au , scip1and@police.nsw.gov.au, info@sswahs.nsw.gov.au,melinda.pavey@parliament.nsw.gov.au
Subject: Government to further investigate findings into the research I have done on cancer within our society today.
To: attorney@ag.gov.au, office@smith.minister.nsw.gov.
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