Monday, 8 June 2015

Australian Government Grants for June 2015

Hello there,
It is the start of June. What are your plans for funding your small business?
I wanted to send this email to you to let you know about the potential funding
opportunities you may be eligible for from the Australian government.

Did you know that over 280 funding programs are available (grants and loans), for
small business owners such as yourself to apply to and obtain funding from?
Take a look at these success stories, and these funding program recipients.
Are you the next funding success story of June 2015?
Here are the funding program types for June 2015!
To find out if you may be eligible for funding, you must first try the Grant Finder
Search Engine to see if you may be eligible for any programs.

Love & Life,
Till the next time we meet

Monday, 18 May 2015

Napoleon Hill - Take possession of your own mind

Today's Thought for the Day
Your mind is unquestionably your most valuable possession. You may lose every material thing you own, but knowledge can never be taken from you. With it, you can earn a new fortune, build a new home, and buy anything you truly desire. No one else can control your thoughts; even the cruelest tyrant cannot force you to think about something you refuse to accept. When you make a deliberate decision to take control of your mind and feed it positive, constructive thoughts, you are on your way to taking control of your life. The thoughts you allow to dominate your mind will determine what you will get from life.